
Comprehensive System of Intelligence for commodity risk management powered by Risknet

Central to Mobius’ System of Intelligence is Risknet, a cloud-based platform with integrated deal capture and trade management (CTRM), risk analytics, reporting, and market insights.

Mobius provides an ecosystem of technology and expertise to visualize and manage your multi-commodity financial and physical risk. With visibility into current profitability, including movements in inventory levels, expected future profitability, including physical contracts, the current and future variance of profitability to budget, the risk of profitability dropping below given thresholds, and the best-fit solutions to minimize these risks.

Proactive commodity risk management

Commodity risk management is a critical aspect of a business exposed to fluctuations in commodity prices. This involves strategies and practices to mitigate the impact of price volatility in raw materials, energy, and other commodities that a company relies on for its operations.

Technology to drive scale

Accurate data, organization wide visibility, expert intelligence

Powerful technology

Our technology provides robust and secure web-based access, best-in-class modern risk analytics, and flexibility to integrate with CTRM or ERP systems. Solutions that provide an array of benefits, including no upfront software costs, streamlined data flows, and actionable insight and intelligence throughout your organization. All while being developed by our in-house team of highly experienced commodity and market experts.

Risk Integration

The Mobius system of intelligence combines award-winning risk technology with  commodity market expertise to provide a unique insight into your organizations multi-commodity financial and physical risk. Our technology and market intelligence are tailored to support your  organization’s capital objectives.

Explore RiskNet

RiskNet is your system of intelligence, helping to drive informed decision making to impact your unique business objectives. By uniting your financial and physical position in one platform, RiskNet provides your organization a single data truth.

Award-winning Analytics

RiskNet applies a proprietary methodology for risk assessment, called M(β)risk™ (M-Risk). M-risk provides an intuitive view of the most efficient path for managing risk. The platform’s expanding feature set includes M-Risk and modules for revenue accounting.

Quick Implementation

The ease in which RiskNet is implemented poses significant advantages for clients. Because it is cloud-based, the platform is implemented and launched in as few as 48 hours with audited controls. RiskNet provides functionality beyond that of legacy CTRM software and for a fraction of the typical seven-figure price tag.

Comprehensive Portfolio Visualization

RiskNet also provides access to a comprehensive visualization of client portfolios and provides views that allow carving, rolling up and drilling down for position, credit, risk, cashflow (physical and financial).

Technical Specifications


  • Offsite backup and disaster recovery
  • 99.99% Service level agreement
  • Data security through encryption
  • Instantaneous access to market/pricing information


  • Portfolio, commodity, and site level information
  • Sensitivity analyses, exposures (M-risk™, VaR & PFE), risk levels and compliance (FERC,  Dodd Frank, EMIR, FAS and SOX)
  • Scenario analysis/risk exposure models


  • Access to contract and invoice database
  • Customized reporting
  • Option pricing models
  • Third party valuations
  • Deal capture API to third party systems


A weekly intelligence report for energy commodities, featuring rapid energy industry news recaps, emerging opportunities, underappreciated risks, and more. Sent every Sunday.

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